ᐈ Курс "Профессия: Продакт-менеджер" - GoPractice
For Bing in the Classroom, I had to do both the quantitative and qualitative validation myself, which violates our separation rule and was exhausting (I cried and tried to rage-quit a lot during this period of my time at Microsoft). By allowing people to own their insights while providing them with easily accessible validation resources, you get th
... See moreMatt Wallaert • Start at the End: How to Build Products That Create Change
Strategize: Product Strategy and Product Roadmap Practices for the Digital Age
amazon.comMost frequently valued PM skills: Communication, execution, product sense. Least frequently valued PM skills: Design/UX, empathy, raw intelligence.
Lenny Rachitsky • A comprehensive survey of Product Management
The most common disguises of procrastination
Learning, researching, organizing, and building systems are the most tempting forms of procrastination. You can tell yourself that you're "making progress" only to avoid the point where you need to make a decision on what to do next.
Even having to get feedback on every action you take is ultimately a form... See more
Learning, researching, organizing, and building systems are the most tempting forms of procrastination. You can tell yourself that you're "making progress" only to avoid the point where you need to make a decision on what to do next.
Even having to get feedback on every action you take is ultimately a form... See more
the creation of a cross-functional team, or a set of teams that break down the traditional silos of marketing and product development and combine talents; • the use of qualitative research and quantitative data analysis to gain deep insights into user behavior and preferences; and • the rapid generation and testing of ideas, and the use of rigorous... See more