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Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
And this is just for those of us lucky enough to be able to do our jobs remotely. An interesting study from researchers at The University of Chicago found that only 37% of jobs can plausibly be performed at home.
Venture Desktop • Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
The Economist shared interesting data from Slack showing how nights and weekends are becoming a lot more common thanks to a combination of blended boundaries and now never-ending parental responsibilities.
Venture Desktop • Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
Two of the seemingly infinite large scale health problems exacerbated by the pandemic are childhood obesity and loneliness among the elder population.
Venture Desktop • Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
Things have accelerated massively on the distributed work front (obviously) and, per Gartner it seems many companies won't look back — 74% of CFOs expect to shift some workers remotely on a permanent basis. This inorganic acceleration has, however, come at a pretty significant price.
Venture Desktop • Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
I’m becoming more convinced every day that Square will come out of this mess owning even more of the under 30 consumer’s “personal finance stack” and that they will go down as the company that most positively contributed to the recovery.
Venture Desktop • Economic Oceans and an Alternative Trade Route
On one hand, this gives us a sense of how big the opportunity is to create the infrastructure to support the tens of millions of people now or soon to be working from home. On the other (more troubling) hand, this data paints a distressing picture of how many people don’t have “portable” professions and have little recourse until things get back to... See more