E-Commerce is a Bear

Vivek Goyal Browsing e-commerce: An untapped $250B+ opportunity

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Jamie Catherwood Shopify, SPACs and Status: My Interview with Jim O'Shaughnessy (Part One)

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Packy McCormick Shopify and the Hard Thing About Easy Things

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Who are the winners and the losers today?

Namrata Patelmedium.com
Thumbnail of Who are the winners and the losers today?

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Julia Morrongiello Winning Strategies for Service Marketplaces

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Kirsten Green The next revolution in commerce will be driven by the seller

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Dan Frommer Why there still haven’t been more billion-dollar acquisitions for direct-to-consumer commerce startups

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Gavin Baker Why category leading brick and mortar retailers are likely the biggest long term Covid…

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