Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
Having three goals (or more) for each module builds tensegrity into your plans and consequently your life. If one goal is pushed away, the other connected goals instantly pull your life in a slightly different direction.
Jacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
Decrease the volume and size but increase the sophistication of your activities and possessions. Measure prosperity by less activity, not more. Do fewer useless things.
Jacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
If the only means of repayment is a job, this means that working must also last at least 30 years. This way, a single decision just after leaving school turns into a lifelong commitment that can be very hard to escape, given that the borrowed money has been spent on increasing consumption rather than increasing production.
Jacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
A group of people or a single person get a bright idea which is completely different from all other ideas. If the idea has merit, other people pick up the idea and create their own personal variations on the idea, perhaps giving different names to the same object, or perhaps using different methods to arrive at the same conclusion. These people com
... See moreJacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
Since not all effort is the same and not everybody learns and develops at the same pace, it's more useful to look at expertise by considering the following list, which parallels the development mentioned above. Copying Comparing Compiling Computing Coordinating Creating
Jacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
Because of its flexibility and adaptability, it is important to realize that the web of goals strategy essentially is a process-oriented strategy rather that a goal-oriented strategy. On the meta level, a process-oriented strategy is primarily aimed at living, with goals being accomplished as side effects, whereas a goal-oriented strategy is aimed
... See moreJacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
Many people associate their ideas and thoughts with who they are as a person. This is a significant barrier, since admitting that an alternative is better is perceived as a personal failure.
Jacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
However, clothes should be considered durable goods (see Depreciation schedules) and tools to serve a purpose. This means that an item must be carefully considered (if in doubt, always postpone). It must look good, fit the body, fit the temperature, not be sticky nor restrictive. If it doesn't allow a comfortable five mile walk or standing around o
... See moreJacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
time (labor), therefore money (capital) is spent to compensate, hence the existence of automatic egg boiler gadgets and other atrocities. What is ignored here is that the opportunity cost in terms of time spent working (or watching TV) and time not spent learning a skill (such as how to boil an egg) is often higher than the cost in time to learn to
... See moreJacob Lund Fisker • Early Retirement Extreme: A philosophical and practical guide to financial independence
If you only have a hammer, the whole world becomes a nail--the most common hammer is in the shape of a credit card. The more myopic the focus on a particular method, the more difficult the solution, if and only if the focus is on the wrong method (and it can't be correct all the time, if you only have one). For example, when tackling an obstacle li
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