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Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
When we lose sight of beauty our struggle becomes tired and functional. When we expect and engage the Beautiful, a new fluency is set free within us and between us.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
WHEN WE AWAKEN TO THE CALL OF BEAUTY, WE BECOME AWARE of new ways of being in the world. We were created to be creators. At its deepest heart, creativity is meant to serve and evoke beauty.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
Even, and perhaps especially, in the bleakest times, we can still discover and awaken beauty; these are precisely the times when we need it most.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
The pedestrian sequence of a working day breaks, a new door opens and the heart recognizes the silent majesty of the ordinary.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
More often than not the style of gaze determines what we see. There are many things near us that we never notice simply because of the way we see.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
When we address difficulty in terms of the call to beauty, new invitations come alive.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
When we deaden our own depths, we cannot strike a resonance in those we meet or in the work we do.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
The glimpse, the touch of beauty is enough to quicken our hearts with the longing for the divine.
John O'Donohue • Divine Beauty: The Invisible Embrace
something in his gaze that I had never seen before. Some finality had entered his looking. Whether it was out in the mountains or among the fields around the house, his eyes had glimpsed a door opening towards him. His countenance had become more luminous and his natural gentleness was being claimed by a new silence. As we held each other for a mom
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we should remember that beauty does not restrict its visitations only to those whom fortune or circumstances favour.