Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
What do you know you should be doing, but have been ignoring?
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
Sadly, many sell their soul for much less than a million dollars, and over a much longer period of time. They sell out by ignoring their intuition in order to fit in or to make a run for the next promotion, by ignoring potentially risky opportunities in order to go for a sure bet, and by strapping themselves with consumer debt to the point that the
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it sometimes leads to a failure to engage fully in the work out of a fear that it will never measure up, and because self-worth is tied to results, the deeper fear is that failure in work means failure in life.
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
No army would charge into battle without understanding the battlefront. It would be mass suicide. Yet, many of us do this daily with our work.
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
cultivate a more curated flow of inspiration.
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
Making + Meshing − Mapping = Drifter
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
While most people have a good sense of the tasks and projects they’re accountable for, they haven’t taken the time to consider what they really care about, and how it will find form in their work. They are lost in the fog of war.
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
Because we are biologically hardwired to form habits around rewarding activity, when we accomplish a goal or taste the sweet fruit of success, it’s tempting to keep pushing the same levers over and over again. However, this approach is often a fast track to mediocrity. The key to long-term success is a willingness to disrupt your own comfort for th
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we need to spend more time processing our experiences to mine them for potentially useful insights.
Todd Henry • Die Empty: Unleash Your Best Work Every Day
The most fulfilled people I’ve encountered in the marketplace approach their work, in any context, with the question “What can I add?” rather than “What can I get?” They choose worthy battles, then engage in them with everything they have.