Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
The best thing to do is to understand it, because understanding, or the attempt to understand, is the attunement to Essence, regardless of what it is you understand. The desire for understanding, the understanding itself, and the result of understanding are Essence. Do whatever is needed to understand your mind while remaining present.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
The Diamond Approach is following the threads from the suffering in our lives all the way back to Essence.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
honey in the heart.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Noble suffering, ultimately, is really nothing but the sacrifice of the unconscious, so that the Personal Essence can sit on the throne of truth, wearing the robe of peace.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
must leap, and the essential knowledge will be there.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
With Essence, instead of experiencing anger, you experience Strength.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Letting go of the old for something new to develop. AH: Exactly.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
As long as there’s a part of you that wants to go somewhere or finds another part unacceptable, there is no freedom.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
Rather difficult to accept. My habitual tendency is to want change. And since things stay the same there is an even greater urge to effect change!
Our normal, mental memory can’t remember the state of Essence.
A. H. Almaas • Diamond Heart: Elements of the Real in Man
You say, “I want to grow,” and in your mind, growing means becoming a bigger, happier, more colorful larva.