This primal way of design exists in how early humans shaped tools & rituals, how children imaginatively arrange toys, and how investors rely on taste to back early companies. I see this type of design everywhere in my work with founders, engineers, salespeople, and investors—they are all designers in their own right. It is innate—it just needs ... See more
Ask someone to define design, and they’ll likely describe what designers make—architects draft buildings, graphic designers create logos, industrial designers shape products, and software designers make apps. This is how we typically understand design, by its outputs. The weight of these definitions grows heavier over time. The older the craft, the... See more
While AI can generate endless “perfect” outputs, the crucial design decisions are innately human: which questions to ask, guided by feeling & relationships rather than pure logic, and aligning execution against context and strategy. AI might generate hundreds of landing page variants, but it takes design sensibility to know which will genuinely... See more
When he built boats, he wasn’t selling fiberglass and chrome—he was selling performance, adventure, and freedom. Many customers wanted a piece of this world, drawn in by his passionate, authentic vision of what boating could be. My favorite of his taglines captures this energy: “The ultimate off-road vehicle.” The t-shirt featured a gleaming sportf... See more
But at the time, I questioned this approach. Why study semiotics when I could be building a portfolio site? Why pull all-nighters just to endure brutal critiques—tossing the work away and starting over? But the process—thinking, making, critique—proved transformative. The school wasn’t teaching design as ornamentation or styling. Instead, it was an... See more
Evidence from a third party on why this project matters.
Design and the profession of the designer must transform from a specialist function pushing pixels into a universal attitude of resourcefulness and inventiveness. We move beyond asking if designers should code to embracing design as a universal capability. This mindset adapts to any medium and isn’t focused on acquiring technical skills, tools, or ... See more
We are all designers. God is a designer. I’ve been saying this to anyone that will listen. THIS!
The designer must see the core as well as the periphery, the immediate and the ultimate. If obsession fuels this work, orchestration makes it productive.