Decode and Conquer
In modern product development, the use case format is a popular way to capture user needs. A user story conveys what the end user wants to do in normal everyday language. It does not describe how the solution works. Here’s the user story template: As a , I want <goal/desire> so that .
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Step 3: Use cases
They’re looking for product managers that can see future trends, both in technology and customer behavior.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Start by thinking how these companies make money and the critical drivers to the business. Then, consider how the competition, the new acquisition, or complementary product can affect those particular business drivers.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Answering CEO strategy questions
To start the interview, you really just need answers for the four bolded questions: what is it, who is it for, why do they need it, and how does it work? So we’ll call our version the “3W’s and H.”
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
How to start a design interview
Users will only switch if a product is better. And that type of improvement comes only when the product leaders think big.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
When it comes to strategy, the most prevalent and satisfying analysis tool is pro/con analysis. As the name implies, it’s satisfying because it feels objective.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Evaluating trade offs
Normally, we’d consider business value, customer impact and tech difficulty when prioritizing.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Focus your ideas through prioritization
Real world prioritization is not that different from the matrix above. That is, it’s based on subjective criteria, weights and grades. Despite some flaws, I feel the matrix is effective. I’d rather have an imperfect process than no process at all. The matrix method forces the decision maker to think and articulate what’s important. Is revenue more
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Step 4: prioritize features using revenue potential & customer satisfaction
What can or should you ask the interviewer? Here’s a list: What is it? Who is it for? Why do they need it? When is it available? Where is it available? How does it work?
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Attribute method. List all the product attributes. Mix and match to get interesting new combinations.
Lewis Lin • Decode and Conquer
Step 5b