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Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #3: Begin with the end in mind
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
From Annie Duke’s book “Thinking in Bets”.
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #9: Grieve the end
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #8: Keep asking why
If I believe in something, it means I know a certain amount about it. This gives me confidence to make decision, take action, do things that would have been harder to do before finding that belief. The belief that comes from finding purpose in what you’re doing.
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #7: Keep moving
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #10: Alway be ready for the next worthy bet
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #6: Embrace the mundane
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
A creative block isn’t a wall at the dead-end of an alley. It’s a bridge under construction, that needs to be built to move forward.
To build the bridge you need the right materials and the tools. Look forthe materials by diving into research, gather the tools - mental models, physical ones, change your technique.
As you prepare and work, you find that the bridge appears before you like it was always there.
Dan Mall • Dan Mall’s 10 Principles for a Worthy Design Career | Figma Blog
Rule #2: Place bets on unfair advantage