Customer Analytics For Dummies
There is a diminishing return from increasing sample sizes beyond a certain point.
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
To determine which customer segments are economically the most important to you, estimate the percentage of customers in a specific segment who are going to purchase your product within a specific time period and the amount of revenue you expect from each sale.
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
more discussion on finding similarities with customer analytics in the appendix and in the book Predictive Analytics for Dummies (Wiley).
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
Look to identify attitudes and psychographics
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
Customer Lifetime Revenue: The total top line revenue a customer generates over some “lifetime,” which can be days, months or years
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
A model is a description of a customer interaction, process, or behavior that can be used to predict future outcomes.
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
Continuous data technically has an infinite number of steps, which form a continuum. The time to find a product
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
Personas concentrate on what a user does, what frustrates him, and what makes life a bit easier. A good persona is a narrative that describes a person’s typical day and experiences, as well as skills, attitude, background, environment, and goals. Personas identify the motivations, expectations, aspirations, and behaviors common to a large segment o
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cheat sheet for this book is at
Jeff Sauro • Customer Analytics For Dummies
Dependent variables are usually the things you care about but can’t affect directly, such as profitability, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty.