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Curate the Internet, Comprehend the World: Introducing Startupy
Like New York, the internet never arrests its massive sprawl. Instead, it exists as complex adaptive system that renders senses overworked and synapses under-rested.To open any app is to wade into frenzied maelstrom whipped by gale-force winds. Whether requests, reminders, or retweets, waves and winds alike pummel your attention as you try your bes... See more
Substack • Curate the Internet, Comprehend the World: Introducing Startupy
It is said that we become what we behold. That is, we shape our tools and then our tools shape us.If the past few years are any indication, the universe is very much following the internet’s lead. We seem to be teetering ever closer to the asymptote that is unadulterated entropy.
Substack • Curate the Internet, Comprehend the World: Introducing Startupy
We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. —E.O. WilsonI am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to steer my ship. —Louisa May Alcott