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Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
This may not seem like a big deal for creators & startups in first-world countries – where services like Stripe & Paypal have become fairly seamless & merchant-friendly. But if you’re in the 3rd world – or otherwise in a business where getting a merchant account is difficult – this is a HUGE deal.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
However, for the first time in 20 years, email as a channel is about to have a legitimate peer…
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
Not to mention, it would also be a mindblowing marketing asset; like owning a a billboard on Times Square. Or perhaps more accurately, like owning a subcategory on Netflix.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
Now, what happens when you give millions of passionate gamers like this an opportunity to become actual digital homesteaders in a gaming world? A world where they can not only own scarce assets like virtual real estate, tradeable in-game loot, etc… but they’re also shareholders and beneficiaries in the success of the entire digital world itself?
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
“Okay, I guess Bitcoin is interesting as a ‘digital gold’ asset, but all the other cryptocurrencies seem like scams, and NFTs are just a weird ponzi scheme.”
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
Could you imagine if Amazon gave its customers a 2% “cashback” on their purchases, but in the form of Amazon stock? Many of its first customers in the early 2000s would literally be millionaires in 2021, just for buying a few things a month.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
“Show me the incentive and I’ll show you the outcome”.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
What this means is that as a developer / publisher in Web3, you’ll be able to build “if/then” processes based on virtually anything that your users have ever purchased, sold or done on the blockchain.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
Bottom line: This is the tip of the iceberg, and these are still early innings. Most of today’s projects will flop as part of the relay-race of mass adoption. But as you can hopefully see, the opportunities emerging for entrepreneurs are almost violently compelling.
Chris Rempel • Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog
-Revenue Sharing & Royalties (ie Steem)