Creators in these niches don’t have to appeal to the lowest common denominator to viral with mainstream viewers. They can focus on delighting their smaller cadre of hardcore fans. That’s why I believe there’s a huge untapped opportunity for apps to allow micro-entertainment creators to monetize by accepting tips for recorded content, not just durin... See more
By sorting content by quality rather than familiarity, micro-entertainment platforms also have a bigger opportunity to identify our niche interests and route that type content to us.
The supply of micro-entertainment is constrained by the intense labor necessary to produce it. Many people don’t make this content [yet], and if they do, they make it much less frequently than social media. But supply of social media already far outstrips demand.
We already seek out this content density in other mediums. A tightly edited YouTube video is typically more engaging per second than a recording of a meandering live stream. A big-budget prime time show beats public access television. A methodically researched essay or deeply reported scoop beats a frantically-written hot take. A song beats a jam s... See more
Content Density is a measure of broadcast efficiency. The higher the density, the faster and more frequently the content delivers on its purpose of being cute, informative, inspiring, impressive, alluring, or funny.