Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
A dedication to continuous learning that is more informal than formal can mean the difference between failure and success.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
money-driven purpose does not ensure the resilience you'll need when times get tough (and they will, as they do for us all). A purpose-driven business keeps you inspired to deliver, rain, hail or shine.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
I want business leaders to learn from the bees — to understand at their core that their business exists to serve their ‘colony', the public, and the ecosystem in which they exist. My
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
Somehow success has come to be equated with how much you own, how big your company is, how much profit it makes, how many hours you work, your job title, what you drive, where you live and where you went to school. You can be a complete asshole and run a company that plunders the earth and still be deemed to be hugely ‘successful'. Go figure! Coupl
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So how do you sell your value rather your time? There's a great little fable called ‘Breaking the Time Barrier' written by Mike McDerment, co-founder and CEO of FreshBooks.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
When it came to my turn, I suggested that Ken first find out if his clients actually wanted a relationship with him and, if so, what they really wanted and needed from him.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
because I believe that if you continuously focus on the other four elements, the promotional activity becomes less crucial to your success and sustainability. The promotional task becomes simpler, and less time-consuming and costly, as new business comes through word-of-mouth and reputation.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
Online marketing feeds expensive addictions like shopping and gambling and is contributing to an unhappy and lonely world. We're all about acquiring things instead of creating and collecting experiences.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
Conscious business leaders understand that a sustainable business is built on purpose and people (and the planet) before products and profit.
Carolyn Tate • Conscious Marketing: How to Create an Awesome Business with a New Approach to Marketing
In a nutshell, for me, consciousness is simply about having the intent, willingness and ability to do no harm — to other people or the planet.