Confronting Impossible Futures

The problem with expertise is that it's entirely backward-facing. Worse, the more experience we have the more we imagine we "know" what will happen when of course we don't. Peter Drucker's maxim still holds: "The only thing we know about the future is that it will be different". With AI, the right questions to ask are "how different, how fast, and ... See more
Ethan Mollick • Confronting Impossible Futures
I love the future scenario planner gpt. I am giving a talk about the future of talent assessment and it provided me with some great insight. The theme of my talk is - we suck at prediction but it is an existential must for the collective human mind. And while we may suck at it, it inspires us to create. Even if we miss the mark, we end up creating ... See more
Ethan Mollick • Confronting Impossible Futures
AI scientists cannot help this or themselves. Like all technologists, they put blind faith and total effort into achievement, damn the consequences. The excuse is that if I don't someone else will (and gain from it whether money, fame, etc.) so why not me?
But the internet is not the only-good/never-bad achievement these presumed in the 90's. Always... See more
But the internet is not the only-good/never-bad achievement these presumed in the 90's. Always... See more