Saved by Gaia Soykok
Conflict Transformation
Resolution and Transformation: A Brief Comparison of Perspective Conflict Resolution Perspective Conflict Transformation PerspectiveThe key question How do we end something not desired? How to end something destructive and build something desired?The focus It is content-centered. It is relationship-centered.The purpose To achieve an agreement and s... See more
John Paul Lederach • Conflict Transformation
As conflict emerges, we stop and take notice that something is not right. The relationship in which the difficulty is arising becomes complicated, not easy and fluid as it once was. We no longer take things at face value, but rather spend greater time and energy to interpret what things mean. As our communication becomes more difficult, we find it ... See more
John Paul Lederach • Conflict Transformation
no one lens is capable of bringing everything into focus. Rather, I need multiple lenses to see different aspects of a complex reality, and cannot rely exclusively on one lens to see the multiple layers of complexity.
John Paul Lederach • Conflict Transformation
Rather than viewing conflict as a threat, the transformative view sees conflict as a valuable opportunity to grow and increases our understanding of ourselves and others. Conflict helps us stop, assess and take notice.
John Paul Lederach • Conflict Transformation
This essay was written 14 years ago, but the concepts presented are just as relevant today as they were then and are particularly important as we try to figure out what to do with all the very intractable conflicts that are facing us