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Community is the New Moat!
The internet stage is more crowded. Attention is more expensive. Making one's voice heard has gotten harder. The good days of cheap Facebook ads are behind us. Turning users into contributors and advocates is a hard-to-crack but high-rewards marketing strategy. Community is the new Moat.
Ariel Renous • The Future of Social
Where community becomes powerful is when there are clear and well-defined goals. Each plan should be tied with a metric to measure the impact on the community. First, you should ask yourself what is valuable to measure. Avoid vanity metrics like the number of members: it doesn’t matter how many people are in your community if no one is interacting
Medium • The Go-to-Market Strategy Is Dead (Killed by Web 3.0)
What others may see as a moat, we may more earnestly see as “stickiness” or “defensibility” rather than as an outright moat. As we wrote about in “What is a “Moat” and why does it matter?” , we define moats as “Proven, perpetuating and permanent unit economic advantages from peers within a competitive set” . These moats need to be root
... See moreRick Zullo • Companies Build “Capabilities” Before They Build “Moats”
What separates a bad company from a good one? Or a good company from a great one? In large part, it’s the size of the economic moat a company builds around itself. The term economic moat is used to describe a firm’s competitive advantage—in
Pat Dorsey • The Five Rules for Successful Stock Investing: Morningstar's Guide to Building Wealth and Winning in the Market
As high quality content and effective brand strategy move down the long tail, “community” has become an important concept for every post-Web 2.0 player. Crypto token holders, influencer fanbases, DTC brand customers, creator audiences, and new social networks are all often referred to as communities, and each has a stake in developing community for... See more