Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®

In short, avoiding the worst climate
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
A key point is that the investment is not the same as the net economic cost, because many of the investments reduce energy consumption and thus generate savings. In addition, investment in new technology is generally associated with higher productivity and economic growth.
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
impacts means global economic growth of some 2.24% a year rather than 2.30%.
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
“We basically have three choices: mitigation, adaptation and suffering,
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
reflectors or mirrors in outer space. However, “the Committee has chosen to not consider these technologies because of the substantial time (>20 years), cost (trillions of dollars), and technology challenges associated with these issues.
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Globally, the GHG emissions from producing beef is on average more than a hundred times greater than those of soy products per unit of protein.
Joseph Romm • Climate Change: What Everyone Needs to Know®
A carbon tax is a tax on the carbon content of hydrocarbon fuels or on the carbon dioxide emitted by those fuels when they are converted into energy. Hydrocarbons fuels—such as coal, oil, and natural gas—contain carbon, which turns into carbon dioxide after combustion. In economics, the total economic harm caused by a pollutant such as carbon dioxi
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there is “potential liability for any negative consequences” linked to a weather-modifying intervention.