Choice ≠ Care

You don’t want choice. You want the illusion of choice.”
Tom Vanderbilt • You May Also Like
Overchoice and How to Avoid it
If you design by focusing on process, you’ll often find yourself drawn into creating features to handle exceptions, problems, and details.
Giles Colborne • Simple and Usable Web, Mobile, and Interaction Design

American psychologist, Barry Schwartz wrote “The Paradox of Choice” almost a decade ago. In this book he analyses the behavior of different types of people, ones he calls maximisers and satisfiers facing abundance of choice. He also makes a point that demonstrates how the exponential explosion in choice has paradoxically become a problem instead of... See more
Andrea Hernandez • Curation as Salvation
The Paradox of Choice, that shows that having more choices often leads to less choosing. Having so many possibilities around what business you could start can make it harder for you to choose which business to start.
Charlie Gilkey • The Small Business Life Cycle: The No-Fluff Guide to Navigating the Five Stages of Small Business Growth
Within that framework of design changes, we're coming to conclusions that those that provide people choice and information and autonomy will be more successful than ones that filter or just work through algorithms or just work on the back end.