Casey Reas: The Thing that Makes the Thing is More Interesting than the Thing
One of the things Anton and I agreed on when we first started our studio is that we would use any kind of downtime between projects for personal experimentation. During these pauses, we create our own project brief and
Irene Pereyra • Universal Principles of UX: 100 Timeless Strategies to Create Positive Interactions between People and Technology (Rockport Universal)
“A-tivity” represents aesthetic creativity: art, design, music, film.
Laurence Endersen • Pebbles of Perception: How a Few Good Choices Make All The Difference
Eyeo 2022 - Golan Levin
vimeo.comThe making of Eno, the first generative feature film“Complain about the way other people make software by making software.”
Austin Kleon • Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
Neural Interpellation
berlinerfestspiele.deCasey Neistat was once an up-and-coming filmmaker destined to be the next go-to indie director. He’d created a successful show for HBO. He’d had a film at Sundance. He’d premiered two movies at Cannes. But he left that behind to distribute his work on YouTube. Why? Because the grind of making stuff and then hustling for funding and negotiating with
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