Saved by Kat Fergerson
Bumped: The Effects of Stock Ownership on Individual Spending
As economists would predict, customers tend to increase their purchases of eggs, orange juice, or fish when prices drop and to reduce their purchases when prices rise; however, in contrast to the predictions of economic theory, the effect of price increases (losses relative to the reference price) is about twice as large as the effect of gains.
Daniel Kahneman • Thinking, Fast and Slow
Indeed, research finds that quantity purchase limits increase sales by more than 50 percent.
Jonah Berger • Contagious: Why Things Catch On
The result of this apparent price reduction was remarkable. When the price appeared to have been reduced, even by as little as 25c, sales increased from 45 to 76 percent of visitors.
Dr. David Lewis • The Brain Sell: How the new mind sciences and the persuasion industry are reading our thoughts, influencing our emotions, and stimulating us to shop
The result of this apparent price reduction was remarkable. When the price appeared to have been reduced, even by as little as 25c, sales increased from 45 to 76 percent of visitors.
Dr. David Lewis • The Brain Sell: How the new mind sciences and the persuasion industry are reading our thoughts, influencing our emotions, and stimulating us to shop
Grant Plotkin • The Story Behind The Edge
Two University of Zurich researchers were equally curious: The Swiss nuclear incentive study, titled “The Cost of Price Incentives: An Empirical Analysis of Motivation Crowding-Out,” was conducted by Bruno S. Frey and Felix Oberholzer-Gee. It was published in the American Economic Review 87 (1997): 746–55. forty students sat with number 2 pencils:
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