Saved by Keely Adler
Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
Our imagination is the medium in which we participate with reality. It enable us to experience it, to make sense and meaning of it. And more than this, collectively, our imagination forms an entirely new social dimension altogether — a great realm of possibility — allowing for the creation of ‘worlds’.
Will Bull • Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
The infrastructure of possibility—the spaces, conditions, practices, rituals, and language (and the networks of practitioners, communities, and organisations that nurture it)—destabilises conventional ways of seeing and knowing the world, and invites us to experience the fullness of reality, beyond the colonial constraints of modernity and its narr... See more
Will Bull • Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
There are many incredible individuals, communities, and organisations dedicated to cultivating this fertile soil, nurturing the infrastructure of possibility across the many levels of society (though some may not recognise themselves or their work as such, nor use the language of the ‘imagination’ or ‘futures’). While this work sits largely on the ... See more
Will Bull • Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
Modernity’s coloniality is the elephant in the room.
At the core of modernity lies the belief that ‘there is no alternative’, that there is just one reality, one world — a singular, external world that pre-exists, and is separate from, our interactions with it. There is the world and then there is us — a fictitious notion that masquerades within mo... See more
At the core of modernity lies the belief that ‘there is no alternative’, that there is just one reality, one world — a singular, external world that pre-exists, and is separate from, our interactions with it. There is the world and then there is us — a fictitious notion that masquerades within mo... See more
Will Bull • Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
Changing the way we fundamentally perceive and experience reality requires seismic shifts in the collective imagination; the difficulty being that our systems of sense-making are deeply entrenched within us; separating ourselves from them is, by definition, existential. Developing our capacity to hold the fear that comes with this, sitting with it ... See more
Will Bull • Building the Infrastructure of Possibility
While we know that our imaginations shape our sociocultural experience through the creation of worlds, modernity thrives by throwing tight constraints around it, degenerating our ability and capacity to imagine radically new futures into being. This ontological war against possibility is ‘defuturing’ — there are less futures available to us; or put... See more