Saved by Kanchan Balani
Both are true
Bruce Springsteen’s advice to young musicians:
Don’t take yourself too seriously.... See more
Take yourself as seriously as death itself.
Don’t worry. Worry your ass off.
Have iron-clad confidence, but doubt.
It keeps you alive and alert!
Believe you are the baddest ass in town – and [that] you suck!
It keeps you honest.
Be able to keep two completely contrad
Sari Azout • Both are true
This, from Rory Sutherland:
Logic requires that people find universal laws, but outside of scientific fields and once human psychology has a role to play, it is perfectly possible for behavior to become contradictory.... See more
A tax rise can cause you to work less because the returns of your labor are lower, or work harder to maintain your present level of
Sari Azout • Both are true
The thing about smart people is that they tend to think that if they think really hard about something, they might figure it out, when the truth is, in strategy (and life in general), there is never one right answer.... See more
Strategy requires making choices about a future that is not yet known. I’m one of those people that tends to over-intellectualize th