BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
Omnipresence.” In my way of thinking the best way to have Omnipresence is to be omnipresent. And in my opinion & experience: The best way to do that is a World people want to be in their every waking hour. More:
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
I’ll have multiple storylines about my business and life going on throughout my emails and throughout my content hopefully giving people options for thinking differently. My whole world is built upon giving options for thinking differently, which is a way of thinking I
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
Every time I get trolled, quite frankly, which happens quite a bit, that’s a doorway. I get a lot of leads from my trolls. It’s kind of funny. Trolls are not something you should be discouraging. They’re unpaid interns, they’re great.
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
I don’t believe in it. I sell, I don’t nurture or pretend I have nothing to sell. But I am also selling me. You have to sell you first. You are the first sale. The relationship is the first sale. You can’t even do it by swiping. It has to come from within you. Everything comes and is driven by that.
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
You were like, “this is my life, here’s where I’m going, you can join me or not.”
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
I don’t need to hide a link in a comment and tell people to try to game the AI. Because that’s not what they’re buying. They’re not buying the product. They’re buying me. And this is how you got to look at your thing. They are buying you first. You are the first sale. It’s not your products. You don’t have to do these gamifying things. And these li
... See moreBen Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
These guys are world builders, they’re sociological storytellers, not psychological storytellers. I’ll just end my little bit here on this, There’s a difference between the two. Sociology is the building of societies. Sociological storytelling is where you just create this world and you create the situation, you create the characters and you let th
... See moreBen Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
It is massive engagement, it is hyper engagement. Once you understand the formula that conflict equals engagement, and let that guide you in World-Building, you cannot not have engagement if you do it right. But it takes a thick skin, you’ve got to be able to do certain things and go against the grain, like I did.
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
Just think of all the things you’re not supposed to do and then just do the opposite and see what happens.
Ben Settle • BizWorld: How to Create an Irresistible Business Universe Your Customers Love to Buy from and Hate to Leave
I refuse to sell to anyone after a deadline and am quick to drop entire businesses (like a wildly successful podcast I launched, or the popular elBenbo’s Lair Facebook group I mentioned) if it doesn’t fit my goals and lifestyle.