Biting Into The Mango: Doing Jhana Practice With Ayya Khema - Inquiring Mind
So the experience of delight in the jhanic state is a very major breakthrough. The meditator will then understand that our senses—seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and thinking—are only survival systems. They are not an amusement park. Everybody thinks their senses are an amusement park, and if they don’t get the right kind of amusement... See more
Wes Nisker • Biting Into The Mango: Doing Jhana Practice With Ayya Khema - Inquiring Mind
After we have experienced the first jhana, we have to do three things before we open our eyes. First is to recapitulate how we got there, because people have individual ways of doing it. Some get there through lovingkindness meditation, some through watching the breath, some through “sweeping,” or other methods. The second thing we have to do befor... See more
Wes Nisker • Biting Into The Mango: Doing Jhana Practice With Ayya Khema - Inquiring Mind
What an insight to have!
The meditator will then understand that our senses—seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, and thinking—are only survival systems. They are not an amusement park. Everybody thinks their senses are an amusement park, and if they don’t get the right kind of amusement from them they get irate. But the senses are only our survival systems. And su... See more
Wes Nisker • Biting Into The Mango: Doing Jhana Practice With Ayya Khema - Inquiring Mind
Once we have completely calmed the mind—stopped thinking and reacting—then we can step over the threshold into our inner being, where everybody really belongs. What we experience at that moment of entry is utter delight. That is an indication that we are in the first jhana. Immediately after feeling this utter delight, the first reaction of the min... See more