Betting on acts of terrorism - UK Indymedia by Lucas Kohorst
Betting on acts of terrorism - UK Indymedia
Saved by Lucas Kohorst
Artificially-High Stock Prices Until very recently share prices, by general consensus, were set purely by market forces (though they were influenced somewhat by the Fed’s control of short term-interest rates and government tax and spending laws). Whether the market went up or down was not generally seen as a pressing policy matter for the federal g
... See moreUsing prediction markets to improve US intelligence capabilities. The document discusses the potential of prediction markets to enhance strategic and tactical intelligence work within the US Intelligence Community.
cia.govThe paper advocates for reduced regulatory barriers to prediction markets, proposing a safe harbor for small stakes markets to enhance decision-making and information gathering in both public and private sectors.
users.nber.orgIn 1955, when the total market capitalization of the S&P 500 Index was $220 billion, neither futures nor options that would enable market participants to speculate on (or hedge against) the price of the index even existed. Then index futures and options were created—a marketing bonanza for the financial field. These new products made it easy no
... See moreThe fact that intelligent agents will be available to investigate and perhaps retaliate in one fashion or another against those who initiate violence is merely a hint of this new vista in protection.