Better Questions than “Any Questions?”
Saved by Sam Liebeskind and
Better Questions than “Any Questions?”
Saved by Sam Liebeskind and
Stay curious. Improve the quality of questions before getting to work on answers. Use more questions to see beyond the obvious answers. Improve group dynamics by ensuring there is enough attention given to asking the right questions. Be interested.
Rob Fitzpatrick • 1 highlight 100 QUESTIONS /// to gain clarity via Alex Morris:
Why are we doing this?
Ask that of yourself and the team with regularity.
What’s the simplest explanation?
What reaction should all the creative achieve?
What’s your most controversial opinion?
What little frictions exist that might bleed out the work if allowed to compo
• What are your goals for yourself? What steps are you taking to achieve them?
• When are you most energized at work? How can you do more of that?
• On a scale of one to ten, how challenged do you feel? How challenged would you like to feel?