Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
When we recognize ourselves as a tributary of that greater upwelling, we allow things to be decided, spoken, and created not by us, but through us.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
We think of ourselves as being ‘a creative type’ or not, as if it were a quality bestowed on the chosen few.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
When you go to a party, instead of letting the fear of fitting in overcome you, practice wondering instead if anyone you meet might need belonging.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
If we are honest with ourselves, most of us will also admit that we are stingy with our gifts because we underestimate their worth.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
This reciprocal relationship with the land upon which we dwell is so essential to our practice of belonging. For those who live in urban centres, it is important to adopt even a small patch of green, whether it’s on a balcony or rooftop or in a community garden plot, and begin to learn its ways. Learning might even begin with something as quiet as
... See moreToko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
This is where dreamwork and belonging almost become synonymous. One of the basic tenets of both dreamwork and of belonging is to learn how to become hospitable towards the dark, repulsive, ambiguous figures that appear in our dreams. Instead of running from difficulty, we practice at turning towards what is chasing us, even inviting it to intensify
... See moreToko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
The cost of stepping into his bigness was high, but the price for his remaining small was intolerable.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
You learn to trust that, even as you are honing the ability to express them with grace, your feelings have an intelligence worth following. And as your instincts get stronger and clearer, your creativity begins teeming again, like a river undammed.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
Research also shows striking correlations between regions that are rich in biodiversity and areas of the highest linguistic diversity.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo
that psyche and nature are intrinsic. There is a conversational relationship between the inner and outer worlds, a dynamic reciprocity which can be strengthened by our tending to their equivalence.
Toko-pa Turner • Belonging: Remembering Ourselves home
Liane Bourke added 1mo