If it drains me to be on social media, then who says I have to do it that way? What’s a more fun way to connect with and serve the people I want to work with?
Finding this sort of internal power is an individual art to master and probably will not be clear when you first start creating online. When people start putting themselves out there fully, they are at peak uncertainty and crave a roadmap. As I like to say, don’t find a niche, find a mode or a state you can keep showing up in.
Self awareness around digital presence. As in, what does being on this platform do? Who am I supporting? Do I believe in the design of this space? What data relationships am I partaking in? Our well-being is heavily influenced by these places, the decisions they make, the projects they fund. And, I think people are starting to select their software... See more
Stand for something that’s all your own. Help us find unexpected things and think unexpected thoughts. Don’t create for the algorithm (as tempting as it is to try and give it what it seems to want, to help your brand gain visibility). Don’t drift to the middle in search of eyeballs. Think bigger, more long-term, more societal-level, even. Do things... See more
It needs to be a space where you don’t measure your success by the metrics of more likes, more traffic — but by how deeply and truly you inhabit your own creative essence, in public.