Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
To know that you can do nothing is the beginning. Lesson One is: “I give up.”
Alan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
For the selfishness of the self thrives on the notion that it can command itself, that it is the lord and master of its own processes, of its own motives and desires. Thus the one important result of any really serious attempt at self-renunciation or self-acceptance is the humiliating discovery that it is impossible.
Alan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
Yet, paradoxically, this detachment from is also a harmony with, for the man who goes into the forest without disturbing a blade of grass is a man in no conflict with nature. Like the Native American scouts, he walks without a single twig cracking beneath his feet. Like the Japanese architects, he builds a house which seems to be a part of its natu
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A successful merchant will perhaps be less ready than a mere tramp to see that the same oblivion engulfs both of them.
Alan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
But in the Chinese language the word which we render as “nature” has a special meaning not found in its English equivalent. Translated literally, it means “self-so.” For to the Chinese, nature is what works and moves by itself without having to be shoved about, wound up, or controlled by conscious effort. Your heart beats “self-so,” and, if you wou
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CHESTERTON ONCE SAID THAT, BECAUSE THEY take themselves lightly, angels can fly.
Alan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
The point is that our feelings are not really a kind of resistance, a kind of fight with the course of events. They are a harmonious and intelligent response. A person who did not feel frightened at the threat of danger would be like a tall building with no “give” to the wind. A mind which will not melt—with sorrow or love—is a mind which will all
... See moreAlan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
In spite of all, however, psychoanalysis has a definite and valuable contribution for students of religion in our time. I say “in our time” because psychoanalysis is essentially a modern remedy for a modern ill; it exists for that period in human history for which the unconscious is a problem, and a problem it has been since man began to imagine th
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The point which emerges is that what we are counting or measuring in physics, and that what we are experiencing in everyday life as sense data, is at root unknown and probably unknowable.
Alan W. Watts • Become What You Are: Expanded Edition
This is because the so-called self is a construct of words and memories, of fantasies which have no existence in immediate reality.