Saved by Stuart Evans
But beauty is not what you like. It fact it is often discovered in recoil. That is because it is difficult to contemplate, it is shocking.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
Beauty has become an ugly little word. Because we’ve got it all wrong.We
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
What is called beauty in the digital age is actually porn—an instant gratification of the senses that erases intimacy.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
we need to find the deeper meaning of the beautiful today—to become beautiful—not in innocence and immaturity, but in contemplation of mystery, in the shadows as much as the forms—not in nihilism or eternalism, nakedness or opacity, but in the the-in between.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
And beauty is the antithesis of comfort. We crush Her with our false positivity, our fake smiles and affirmations. But beauty annihilates all that in an instant, like Rilke’s angel who is truly terrifying to behold.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
In the world of fake beauty, it is alway summer: sunny, bright, and without shadows—a land of ones and zeros where everyone is sexy and in the flush of life, never tired, broken, or irritated.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
We lack meaning because we lack beauty, even if we have an excess of experiences, ideas, and sensations.
Andrew Sweeny • Beauty
Real beauty has all kinds of deep shadows, it is not just bright flickers of color. Go and look at a Rodin sculpture and you will feel the gravity of beauty.