Be Prepared to Lose Everything.
When we accept the possibility of losing everything, we free ourselves from the paralysing fear of failure. We recognise that setbacks and obstacles are not the end of the road. Even our greatest falls from grace are opportunities to get better at what we do, to grow, learn and evolve our craft.
Be Prepared to Lose Everything.
Embracing the risk of losing everything means learning that our self-worth and identity are not solely tied to the success or failure of our ventures.
Be Prepared to Lose Everything.
We’re driven by an insatiable desire to bring our ideas to life, to make a difference in the world, and to make our own paths to success. As creators, as founders — that’s who we are.
We pour our hearts, souls, and resources into our ideas, fuelled by a shaking, frequently fucking terrified but always determined belief in our abilities and the poten... See more
We pour our hearts, souls, and resources into our ideas, fuelled by a shaking, frequently fucking terrified but always determined belief in our abilities and the poten... See more
Be Prepared to Lose Everything.
Creators who last focus on the process, on the joy of creation, and on the impact they make along the way. Success is not measured solely by financial metrics or external validation, it’s measured by the lives they touch, the problems they solve, and the legacy they leave behind.