Saved by sari
ultimately i don’t think the problem is a ctually that it’s difficult for me to find work that is good for myself and good for the world; the problem is that those two parts of me both feel the need to be attended to most of the time. i should be allowed to take turns focusing on one thing at a time without the other feeling neglected. i should be ... See more
Vincent Huang • avatar
on the other hand, i don’t really believe in obligation to the past, especially because obligation is often used to guilt or pressure people into specific behaviors, especially because that guilt or pressure often results in needless anxiety.
Vincent Huang • avatar
on one hand, i think i’d strongly prefer a world where more people kept an explicit goal of improving the world and used that as one of the primary criteria for making decisions like what job to work at after college.
Vincent Huang • avatar
you know how in ‘avatar’, whenever aang enters the avatar state we see all the past avatars? that’s what i see every time i look at the world. everywhere i look, i see the work of all the people who came before me, and how other humans were instrumental in designing and building and maintaining almost every aspect of our civilizationyou expect me t... See more