Autoblog Sitemap
Autoblog Sitemap
When we’re comparing one attribute of a subject’s experience, such as link color, and assuming everything else is equal, we’re doing A/B testing.
One of these is 5500°K and is called daylight. There are two tungsten color temperature standards, 3200°K and 3400°K.
ecological valence theory—that might explain both the adult and the infant preferences. The theory is that we like the colors of the things we most like.
When designing color coding, consider colors that work for everyone, for example, varying shades of brown and yellow. Avoid red, green, and blue.
What is your favorite color and why?
with a color; as discussed below, that can be red, white, or yellow. The colored area shows you at a glance what will be very sharp if you take the photo at that moment.