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Audience and Wealth, Part I
It is well understood that the internet has created extraordinary abundance in information and products. Whereas once, consumers might have been restricted to their town paper for information and local mall for apparel, they can now find functionally unlimited amounts of both online.
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
When these individuals try to sell us something, our perception of the object changes. It is no longer a faceless commodity, but a reliable recommendation. In the act of purchasing through this channel, we restore the status and sense of identity that has been lost elsewhere.
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
“All things being equal, people buy from their friends. So make everything else equal, then go make a lot of friends.”
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
Abundance has made all things equal. Creators are simply aggregating friends to sell products.
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
As the creator economy has developed, new approaches to monetization have emerged. The framework below outlines the three primary ways creators leverage audience to build wealth: promoting other people’s products, selling their own products, and investing in their audience or alongside them.
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
Abundance solves problems for humans, but via commoditization, it creates others. In a state of abundance, ownership conveys no status. In a world of commoditized products, little personality is expressed through purchasing.
Mario Gabriele • Audience and Wealth, Part I
If abundance is the cause, commoditization is the effect.