Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
And in all your first attempts in reading a technical work, make out an Abstract of each chapter in writing, and then deal only with this Abstract.
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
Being nearly alike in meaning, we call them a case of Synonymous Inclusion,
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
what we all require in such cases is to compel the Intellect to stay with the Senses, and follow the printed train of thought.
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
The whole thing is in a nutshell. Numbers, as such, are abstractions and hard to be remembered. To make them hard to forget, we translate them into words or phrases.
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
The nought and the nine digits are represented by the following consonants when they are sounded or pronounced; viz., 0 (nought) by s, z, or csoft as in cease, 1 by t, th, or d, 2 by n, 3 by m, 4 by r, 5 by l, 6 by sh, j, ch, or gsoft as in the first g of George, 7 ghard as in Gorge, k, chard as in cane, q, or ng, 8 by f or v, and 9 by b or p.
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
memorising a Correlation, you so unite the two extremes in memory, that you need not afterwards recall the intermediates. The intermediates drop out of the memory
A. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
Take the memories of members of the learned professions—they are usually only reference memories. They know where to find the coveted knowledge, but they do not possess it or retain it in their minds. On the other hand, the student who masters a book by my method really knows the contents of it, and he is thus enabled to devote to other purposes an
... See moreA. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
As a trainer my System operates in three ways. (1) It increases the general Impressionability, so that all First Impressions must be more vivid than they have ever been before. (2) It increases the general Revivability, so that First Impressions are more under the control of the will, and can be afterward recalled when desired. (3) It compels the I
... See moreA. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
Interrogative Analysis or intellectual Inquisition is another and most effective mode of inciting the intellect to pass from a passive into an active assimilating condition when trying to learn by heart as well as to help create the habit of the intellect staying with the senses. The process consists of two parts: (1) To not only ask a question on
... See moreA. (Alphonse) Loisette • Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget
What is the basic principle of my system? It is, Learn by Thinking. What is Attention? It is the will directing the activity of the intellect into some particular channel and keeping it there. It is the opposite of mind-wandering. What is thinking? It consists in finding relations between the objects of thought with an immediate awareness of those
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