even after you’ve gone through this process hundreds of times, across dozens of markets, as I have myself, you still want to let the data guide your decision-making. To paraphrase: A beginner’s mind is a Zen mind.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
They help you do four things: define your market, engage your market, refine your marketing, and redeem your marketing efforts.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
Identify the hyper-responsive customers in your market by using the response-length method, force multipliers, and scoring system. Identify the buckets of hyper-responsive customers, and focus all your marketing efforts toward the hyper-responsive segment of your market.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
Since this is cold traffic, the incentive for filling out the form should be some sort of “ethical bribe,” like a free report or kit that’s positioned to solve the single biggest challenge you’re asking prospects to tell you about in your survey.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
what’s even more important is understanding the struggle that full-time business owner making less than $100,000/year is having right now specifically—and thus, what problem they’re most likely to be willing to spend money to solve.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
Both what and why are valuable pieces of information worth gathering and analyzing, which you’ll want to echo back in your marketing.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
What they don’t want; and Questions about their past behavior. Asking people what their single biggest challenge is covers both of those items. By asking what their single biggest challenge is, you’re implicitly asking what challenge they don’t want to face any more. At the same time, you’re implicitly asking about something they’ve run into in the
... See moreRyan Levesque • Ask
people essentially are only good at answering two basic types of questions when they don’t know what they want: What it is they don’t want and what they’ve done in the past.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
“If a market has X number of Google searches every single month, and there are Y number of competitors, and the click prices on Google AdWords are in the reasonable range, then it’s a contender.”
Ryan Levesque • Ask
In other words, what was it that happened in their life that made them decide to turn on their computer, go to Google, and search on the term “How to Improve Memory”?