these four surveys collectively form the foundation, because together, they take all the guesswork out of your marketing. And that is the whole point. How do you succeed in market after market with nearly 100% success? You take out all the guesswork.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
If we asked people directly what they want, it forces them to speculate—and consider something that may or may not be true. Our minds have a tendency to “invent” things to fill in the gap. In other words, what people say they want, what they think they want, and what they really want (and thus will most likely buy or consume) are different things a
... See moreRyan Levesque • Ask
As entrepreneurs and marketers, we get to identify and provide that solution. But to create and sell something that people will actually buy, what you need is the raw material to extract from the market to determine what that solution is—even when your customers can’t quite articulate it.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
People are generally hesitant to give out their name and email when visiting a new website, and that’s understandable. When you start by asking a few simple multiple-choice questions that are far less threatening and personal, it builds “action-taking momentum” toward that final step of entering their name and email.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
CATEGORIZING THE OPEN-ENDED RESPONSES AND MINING THEM FOR GOLD The next part of the Deep Dive Survey analysis is arguably the most important step of the entire process. This is where you’ll be looking at the open-ended Single Most Important Question, coming up with categories for each response, and compiling the “natural consumer language” your mar
... See moreRyan Levesque • Ask
By making your survey ugly, you actually create a response bias in favor of people who care enough about the topic to respond in spite of that ugly presentation.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
Glenn Livingston’s approach helped me focus on what mattered most: the market. I realized that it was much easier to find a market and figure out what to sell them than to have a product and have to create a market for it.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
As part of this mastermind group, members also get access to a monthly mastermind call with me personally, as well as weekly calls with experts I bring in to teach advanced marketing topics.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
This opened-ended survey is a survey you conduct once, before you build out your online sales funnel.
Ryan Levesque • Ask
The pillars of the system are four primary surveys: The “Deep Dive” Survey The “Micro-Commitment Bucket” Survey The “Do You Hate Me” Survey The “Pivot” Survey