• The Rise of the Software Creator

    by Anu Atluru

    Thumbnail of The Rise of the Software Creator

    AD88 and added

  • from Patricia Maeda messaged you

    Daniel Wentsch and added

  • from Why We Crave Software With Style Over "Branding" by Molly Mielke

    sari added

  • from Benedict's Newsletter: No. 547 by Benedict Evans

    Jimmy Cerone added

  • from Intelligent Tools by Every

    sari added

  • from The Artisan's Way by rob hardy

    sari added

  • from The Era of Scaling Without Growing & the Meaning Economy by Scott Belsky

    Tejas Gawande added

  • from Airtable's Path to Product-Market Fit by First Round Capital

    Timour Kosters added