Are we responsible for other people's emotions?
Emotions are co-constructed between people, and interpretations are partly individual & partly culturally mediated
The idea that "everyone is responsible for their own feelings" is true, but that's not a license to disregard the effect of your behavior on others
Accepting who you are doesn’t mean you should stay in situations that hurt you. I advise people, both strangers and close friends, to leave relationships when I think their care is unreciprocated or they clearly are unfulfilled. I think that if you find yourself consistently directing your love towards places or people that don’t love you back, you... See more
Ava • It's Okay to Care Too Much
There is the kindness of ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ And the kindness of “I was wrong, I’m sorry.” The small kindnesses that smooth our interactions and help other people feel as though you’re aware of them .
Seth Godin • Three types of kindness
Kindness doesn't mean niceness. Ultimately, I think it means realism.
Jane Ratcliffe • The Kindness Person: A Conversation with George Saunders
oneness is not the only point of view that counts. In fact, what we call compassion is our assertion that not all things are equal. Kindness is not equal to cruelty; attention is not equal to indifference; a sink full of…
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