Saved by Sarah Drinkwater and Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online
For us, it’s been important to foreground what people are doing on, i.e. the thing . “Organizing” is not the word that I usually use when I describe that action, but when other people make software that is about organizing, a large part of the UI and UX design tends to attempt to remove friction.
For a lot of developers or people who are buil... See more
For a lot of developers or people who are buil... See more Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online was born out of this desire to create a platform that helped you find people through information, and vice versa. That’s essentially the thing that does, plus enabling you to learn more about yourself through the information you collect. Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online
That’s why is so refreshing, and so noteworthy. At every turn, it exemplifies this sense of generative generosity and thoughtful, user-first design. Built as a place to think, gather, reflect, and build bridges between ideas alongside others doing the same, it’s one of the only digital spaces where my mind feels enriched instead of deadened;... See more Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online
There was a specific moment with myself, John Michael Boling, Damon Zucconi, and Dena Yago, where we had this discussion about whether we would use if we weren’t being paid to work on it. At that point we agreed that we wouldn’t. In that moment we asked, "What would it have to look like for us to actually be into it?" Is Where We Go to Find Ourselves Online
love this as the question to ask about anything - an app, an essay, a life