Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
Much of relieving anxious thoughts and worry is making the unconscious conscious.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
Without the objective curiosity about our thoughts that conscious awareness brings, the mind unconsciously and automatically equates our thoughts (anxious or otherwise) with who we are.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
without awareness, the mind makes an image of the future directly from the past, in a kind of unspoken “Don’t let this happen again” pattern.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
The body has a regulating influence on the nervous system, but if we are bypassing the slow and grounding, present-moment wisdom of the body by constantly thinking speedy, future-based, anxious thoughts, how are we supposed to tap into the calming effect of the body?
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
- There is a sense of alarm that occurs outside of the brain. This fight-or-flight sensation is the remnant of old, unresolved trauma we suffered, typically in childhood. It is usually felt in the midline of the body around the heart. I’ll talk about this alarm in great detail in Part
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
What is the antidote to anxiety and alarm? Trusting and expressing the love I have for myself and others.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
“All anxiety is separation anxiety.”
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
Even though we may be safe in the moment, the ego needs you to be on the constant lookout for danger. Allowing you to feel safe is not in the ego’s best interest, even though it is in your best interest.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
In a state of conscious awareness, thoughts can appear and be observed simply as byproducts of the mind.
Russell Kennedy • Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It
The ego is linked to a structure in the brain called the amygdala, as I said above is commonly referred to as the fear centre of the brain.