America’s Superpower
after Xi Jinping removed term limits and instilled himself as “president for life” in 2018, the Chinese people were stripped of their optionality (while the Chinese do not have democratic elections, its leaders in the years prior to Xi typically responded to the needs/wants of the Chinese people and were chosen by consensus every ten years).
In doin... See more
In doin... See more
Ted Lamade • America’s Superpower
Don’t get me wrong. America has a lot else going for it, including being protected by two massive oceans on its coasts and two friendly nations to its north and south, vast resources (energy, farmland, and navigable waterways), a diverse population, an educated workforce and entrepreneurial ethos, and the world’s strongest military, economy, and fi... See more
Ted Lamade • America’s Superpower
optionality isn’t free. In fact, it always comes with a cost. Yet, the tension and division associated with optionality is almost always cheaper than the alternative.
Ted Lamade • America’s Superpower
Argentina is a counter example of not having the ability to change causing drastic impacts (typically negative).