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All Podcast Roads Lead to Video
So let's use video because I just think it's a great example. If you think about music and how you consume music, you actually consume catalog product a lot. I certainly do. And I think most consumers do. Songs that I've listened to once, I will listen to again and again, and again, at some point. With video, that's less the case. Once I watch seas... See more
Colossus • Universal Music Group: The Gatekeepers of Music
How Technology Shapes Content and Business Models (Or Audio’s Opportunity and Who Will Capture It) —
Matthew Ballmatthewball.vcThe trouble with podcasts is that they are difficult to grow: while text can be shared and consumed quickly, a podcast requires a commitment (which again, is why advertising in them is so valuable).
Stratechery • Grantland and the (Surprising) Future of Publishing
three themes will emerge: innovation in the content format, the evolution of the business model, and the growing ubiquity of audio.