All Hail the Cloud
We have become archivists of the self, I thought, curators of a life half-lived. Each countless photograph of a wonder, of dinner, of a view, of our children, of the utter banality of our everyday lives, was not a memento, a way of remembering the things we did, but instead evidence of the poverty of our engagement with the present moment. We frame... See more
M. E. Rothwell • All Hail the Cloud
We’d rather the appearance of a good life, to actually living one.
M. E. Rothwell • All Hail the Cloud
We frame our lives through lenses, filters, and screens, trading the chaotic beauty of reality for a sanitised, editable version. Our photographs are not memories; they are advertisements, billboards for a life we are too preoccupied to live.
M. E. Rothwell • All Hail the Cloud
Our photographs are not memories; they are advertisements, billboards for a life we are too preoccupied to live.