Agency, which can be thought of as conscious actions, intervenes in systems by disrupting or transforming patterns and relationships.

Art Kleiner The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization

Kenneth Cukier, Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger, Framers

W. Brian Arthur Complexity Economics: Proceedings of the Santa Fe Institute's 2019 Fall Symposium

Paul Gilding The Great Disruption

Art Kleiner The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook: Strategies for Building a Learning Organization

Karen O'Brien You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World

You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World

Karen O'Brien • 1 highlight
Cover of You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World

Karen O'Brien You Matter More Than You Think: Quantum Social Change for a Thriving World