• from The Future of Work is Entering its Synth Era

    sari added

  • from Don’t Fuss About Training AIs. Train Our Kids by Esther Dyson

    Britt Gage and added

  • alex and added

  • 131: How to Be Human in the Age of Generative AI

    by Jason Shen

    16 highlights

    Thumbnail of 131: How to Be Human in the Age of Generative AI

    Jason Shen and added

  • from Don’t Fuss About Training AIs. Train Our Kids by Esther Dyson

    Britt Gage and added

  • The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

    by The New Yorker

    2 highlights

    Thumbnail of The Age of Algorithmic Anxiety

    Sarah Owen and added

  • from Regretful Accelerationism by Ben Thompson

    Joey DeBruin and added