Because of her “Lishian swerve,” just as soon as Heti makes a judgment in Alphabetical Diaries , it is undone, and then undone again, invoking the reader to interpretively assemble her sentences into a conceptual structure of their own from which they can derive meaning. This relationality between sentence fragments is too poetic to be reduced to t... See more
Alphabetical Diaries ’ organizational logic presents a rendering of contemporary life that appears asynchronous, atemporal, and acausal because of its departure from the paradigmatic engine that tends to drive narrative movement: time.
Why does the autofictional novel still dominate the database novel? One clear answer is that the former has the aura of celebrity, as well as its associated false intimacy. However, as we’ve learned, the latter has its own rhizomatic logic, one that scoffs at false binaries; of fascicular tyranny. It’s clear that the database novel can function wit... See more
Whereas the autofictional narrator establishes an autocracy over the world they relate, like an influencer who won’t respond to their followers, the author of the database novel calls their own authority into question. This reduces the distance between reader and writer, the latter encouraging the former to pursue the rhizome that mutually links th... See more