Saved by Keely Adler
as the attacks grow faster and more vicious, I wonder: is this what we’re here for? To cultivate a fear-based adherence to reductive common values?
adrienne maree brown • Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
While we fortify ourselves with visions of the future, we must arm ourselves with accurate perceptions of the barriers between us and that future.
Audre Lorde, Jen Keenan, • A Burst of Light: and Other Essays
For the Wild • Dr. BAYO AKOMOLAFE on Coming Alive to Other Senses /300 — FOR THE WILD
Shawn Westcott • The Cycles of Modern Life: Urgency, Control, and the Illusion of Comfort
radical imagination can inspire us to push beyond the constraints of what we think, and are told, is politically possible.
Ruha Benjamin • Imagination: A Manifesto (A Norton Short)
This can’t be the purpose of our species, to constantly identify each other as “other,” build walls between us, and engage in both formal and informal wars against each other’s bodies.
adrienne maree brown • Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds
We won’t end the systemic patterns of harm by isolating and picking off individuals, just as we can’t limit the communicative power of mycelium by plucking a single mushroom from the dirt. We need to flood the entire system with life-affirming principles and practices, to clear the channels between us of the toxicity of supremacy, to heal from the
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